satellites launched by Turkey

Turkey Plans to Launch 10 satellites by 2023

Created : 16 Jun 2022

By Justin Mays: 

The President of Turkey, Recep Erdogan, and senior government officials of the country celebrated the 5B communication satellite that started to function on the 14th of June 2022.

The Turkish government’s National Space Program envisions to have launched 10 satellites in space by 2023. 

While in Ankara at the Turksat compound in the Golbasi district, the President said that “this satellite marks another turning point in our space adventure. With the National Space Program, it is our duty of honor to defend our country’s interests in space, just as it does on land, sea, and airfields.” 

Turkey is recoded among a few countries that have been able to send two satellites in the same year. President Erdogan also has this to say, We will launch the IMECE, our nationally produced surveillance satellite developed by Turkish engineers in January 2023, and the TURKSAT 6A in mid-2023.

Erdogan also highlighted that the 5B satellite will be able to serve the Turkish missions abroad, remote areas, and mountainous parts of Turkey.  “We will resolve the problem stemming from the Telekom and speedily accomplish the works for fiber internet. We even should think to expand this infrastructure to the rural areas,” he added.

The country has shown interest in the “space homeland” and part of the National Space program includes increasing the number of scientists, sending a space vehicle to the moon, and being eminent in the field of the space industry. 

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