Buying a holiday home in Turkey - Prime Property Turkey

Observing Turkey…from home

Created : 12 Aug 2021
Buying a holiday home in Turkey

By. Justin Mays

The past decade has seen a rise in the global reach and popularity of Turkish television series known as dizi. These programs are broadcast in more than 150 countries and as a result Turkey has become the second largest exporter of TV series after the United States. Compelling plots, talented actors, high quality film production and gorgeous local backdrops have people from Asia to Latin America glued to their favorite dizis. These series reflect the multifaceted faces of Turkey, tackling social changes, migration from rural to urban areas, socioeconomic divisions, family values and more. While these programs are dramatic fictions, they will give you insights into Turkish culture and society and can help you understand the Turkish synthesis between East and West. 

Since dizis are often filmed on location rather than in studios it is also a great way to window shop different locales when you are contemplating buying a holiday home in Turkey. Turkish hits provide views of charming Istanbul neighborhoods like Cihangir and Balat directly to home screens abroad. Actual private homes appear as the backdrop for high quality Turkish TV dramas and you get to peek into apartments in Istanbul and coastal villas featured throughout many popular series. Period dramas like the wildly popular Magnificent Century use consultants to create historical fiction about the Ottomans, bringing that era’s rich history, prior to the forming of the republic of modern-day Turkey, to life. 

So, search for some popular Turkish series listed on IMBD, read some reviews and browse your Netflix offerings, then settle in to discover Turkey from home as you prepare to join the local scene with your very own piece of Turkish real estate.  

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