How to Get Turkish Citizenship

How to Get Turkish Citizenship

Created : 06 Jun 2024
How to Get Turkish Citizenship

Getting Turkish citizenship can be achieved through various methods, with investment being one of the most popular and efficient routes. Here's a step-by-step guide to obtaining Turkish citizenship through investment:

Investment Options

1. Real Estate:

  • Minimum investment: $400,000.
  • Hold the property for at least three years.
  • Choose from residential, commercial, or land properties.

2. Bank Deposit:

  • Deposit $500,000 in a Turkish bank.
  • Hold the deposit for a minimum of three years.

3. Government Bonds:

  • Invest $500,000 in Turkish government bonds.
  • Hold the investment for at least three years.

4. Business Investment:

  • Invest at least $500,000 in a Turkish business or create jobs for 50 Turkish citizens.

Application Process

1. Select an Investment Option:

  • Choose the best investment option based on your financial goals and personal preferences.

2. Make the Investment:

  • Complete the investment and ensure compliance with Turkish regulations.

3. Apply for Residency:

  • Necessary for the citizenship application process.
  • Typically granted for one year and can be renewed.

4. Submit Citizenship Application:

  • Once residency is granted, apply for citizenship through the appropriate channels.

5. Receive Citizenship:

  • Upon approval, receive Turkish citizenship and a passport.

Benefits of Turkish Citizenship

Visa-Free Travel:

Turkish citizens enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 110 countries.

Dual Citizenship:

Turkey allows dual citizenship, so investors do not have to renounce their original citizenship.

Economic Opportunities:

Turkey's strategic location and growing economy offer vast business opportunities.

Quality of Life:

Enjoy a rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and a favorable climate.

Why Choose Turkey?

Turkey offers a blend of Eastern and Western cultures, with a dynamic economy and strategic location. The country has a young and educated workforce, making it an attractive destination for investors. Additionally, Turkey's real estate market is diverse and offers high potential for appreciation, making it a sound investment choice.


Getting Turkish citizenship through investment is a strategic and efficient way to gain a second passport and invest in a promising country. With its diverse investment options, streamlined process, and numerous benefits, Turkey is an ideal destination for global investors.

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