Damla Sakizli Muhallebi: Turkish Milk Dessert With Mastic Gum

Damla Sakizli Muhallebi: Turkish Milk Dessert Made With Mastic Gum

Created : 09 Sep 2022
Damla Sakizli Muhallebi

By Justin Mays:

Turkey is known for its delicious cuisine and its succulent street food all over the world. From famous Turkish chefs like CZN Burak to the iconic Turkish ice cream sellers, we have all seen their viral videos on social media. This has made Turkish desserts, in particular, like baklava, tulumba, and dondurma (Turkish ice cream), famous globally. 

However, one Turkish dessert may not have the same fame as the ones above but is a favorite of the locals and tourists who have tried it, and that is Damla Sakizli Muhallebi.

Today’s blog will tell you about “Damla Sakizli,” the mouth-watering Turkish milk dessert made with mastic gum. 

What Does Damla Sakizli Muhallebi Mean?

The word “Damla Sakizli” means Mastic gum in Turkish and is an ingredient of the dessert. It comes from the mastic tree. Also referred to as “tears of Chios,.” Mastic is a resin with almost a teardrop shape.

It turns into gum when chewed and doesn't taste very pleasant, but after a bit more chewing, the taste becomes more pine-like. 

The mastic tree is native to Chios, an island in Greece. Some even call it “ The Mastic Island.”

Muhallebi is the Turkish name for custard. Apart from Sakizli Muhallebi, mastic is used in several other Turkish desserts, such as Dondurma, salep, etc.

The History of Damla Sakizli Muhallebi

This delicious milky dessert is prepared and enjoyed by the locals during special occasions such as Iftar during the holy month of Ramadan and Bayram. It held a special place in Ottoman cuisine and was integral to Turkish history. It was made and sold in tiny containers. 

Damla Sakizli was a favorite of the Ottoman Sultans. People in the Ottoman Empire served it to special guests and distributed it to guests at circumcision ceremonies. 

At times, it was even cooked in cauldrons and distributed to people. The leftovers at the bottom would become burnt and crisp, which was loved by many since it enhanced the flavor of the dessert.

Damla Sakizli Muhallebi: The Recipe

The recipe is quick and easy. It involves only a few steps:

  • Mix flour with melted butter and whisk on low heat.
  • Add a cup of milk while continuing to whisk.
  • Get rid of all the lumps, and add another cup of milk and the mastic gum while whisking until smooth and thick.

Note: Make sure the mastic gum is crushed to absorb in the mixture quickly.

  • Remove from heat, and let the mixture cool off.
  • Pour into dishes, and place them in the refrigerator. 

Enjoy this decadent dessert with your friends and family.

For more on Turkish food, read our post on Turkey’sFavorite Winter Street Food.

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